Women: A source of power

“यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते तत्र रमंते देवता”

The shlokas say “Where the women are worshipped, God themselves lives there. She has always played a vital role in shaping society. Even during the #Covid era, women have seen her in various ways help the nation in the front line. To recognize this effort of women #UnitedNation has #themed #InternationalWomenDay2021 as “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. Women represent 48.04% of the #India’s population out of which 39% of women are eligible to cast vote. Even with such a good ration the women are always has played a supportive role. The government of India has launched various schemes to uplift women. According to the Women and Child Development Ministry, women health has always been an issue of concern and always been neglected. Although reliable information related to women health care is not widely available. Furthermore, several studies have found that health care providers treat women differently than they do men. Compared with the treatment given to men, health providers may give women less thorough evaluations for similar complaints, minimize their symptoms, provide fewer interventions for the same diagnoses, prescribe some types of medications more often, or provide less explanation in response to questions. Women are negatively affected by the geographic bias within the implementation of the current healthcare system in India. This especially affects rural areas where it has been found that out of all doctors, only 6 percent are women. On the eve of #InternationalWomenDay, @Amster leading #3rdPartyManufacturingPharmaceuticalsinIndia is making every possible effort to enhance the health conditions of the women. We wish all the women on the #InternationalWomenDay and pay god to provide them with good health.

Source: US Dept. For Health and Human Services

                Census of India 2011


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