Mental Illness: Facts you must know
Mental health or mental illness is always been an area which is always ignored in India. A person suffering from any kind of mental illness is considered as some kind of mental disorder. According to the reports of WHO 20% to 30% of Indian suffers from mental illness among which 56 million suffers from depression and 38 million suffers from anxiety disorder and remaining 6% from other kind of illness. The country is developing at very fast rate but with the fact that it is a stone which is left untouched. Data collected through various servery shows that 1 in every 5 Indian suffers from some type of mental illness. Some of the factors are long term acute stress, biological factors, drug abuse and overdose, cognitive behaviour like constant negative thoughts, low on energy, etc, social problems like financial problems, breakdowns, isolation, etc. statistics show 50% of mental illness begin by the age of 14 and 75% of mental health conditions develop by age 24.
Symptoms of Mental illness:
1. Spend excessive amounts of time alone
2. Low energy
3. Persistent negative thoughts including a preoccupation with death or suicide
4. Feeling difficulty in concentrating
5. Fluctuating mode or mode swings
6. Uncontrollable behaviour: excessive anger or sadness, for example
@Amster appeals to the nation to come forward and fight for the diseases. Let us pledge not to mix the mental illness with mental disorder and concern the councillor as and when required… Further to this Mental illness can be treated as normal illness with the help of right support at right time. Right medication, right guidance and support to the patient is very important with getting good counselling, support and love from peer circle and family plays a crucial role and the myths related to the syndrome should be stopped…
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